Lascaux Cave Paintings.jpeg


Lascaux Cave Paintings 

I was inspired by a visit to these wonderful caves to write this Sonnet ( with humble apologies to The Bard) which hopefully says something about why we paint.

Sonnet to Painters

Making our Mark

The marks we make express an inner need
A line passed from our forbears in their caves
To leave a lasting image and that seed
Is deep ingrained within our DNA's.

We marvel at those paintings on the walls made far within the caverns of Lascaux
That bring to life their hunted animals
Still fresh from fifteen thousand years ago.

To transfer what is seen and deeply felt
From head and heart through hopeful guiding hand To that blank space; a daunting challenge dealt to us, who for those golden truths have panned.

Our earnest efforts seldom satisfy
Yet we’ll paint on until the day we die.

Michael Crowe